When relocating for work, one of the most significant decisions to make in choosing a suitable school for your child. This is an emotive subject and for many people can be the deciding factor on whether they accept the assignment or not.

One of the first things to do is research – searching the internet, first of all, can help you understand exactly what it is you want from a school. There are so many excellent schools in the UK, which can often make the whole process seem very overwhelming, thus creating an initial list of things you’re looking for from a school is a great place to start.

It’s also a good idea to research the different types of school education you want for your child whether that be a state, grammar or international school. Looking at league tables and exam results can also help to narrow your decision on the right school.

Once you have settled on a budget and found the right location, it’s easier to narrow down your school choices as. Ideally, you want somewhere within comfortable travelling distance from your home.

No amount of information you can gather about schools can substitute for visiting in person. Visiting in term time makes it easier to gain a better understanding of the culture of the school and the quality of education it provides.

Careful planning and sound advice can help to ease the stress of the whole process a little bit. At Clearview Relocation, we understand how important finding a suitable school can be when relocating, which is why our specialist education consultants are always available to help.

Our school selection programs include guidance for parents on the UK school system, sourcing prospectuses, co-ordinating school appointments and more.

To contact one of our friendly, expert team, call us on 01635 239040 or email